Theotokia Cultural exhibitions organized to honour Holy Mary at 6,7,8,9 of September every year:
-Theatrical Performances
-Folklore and Classical dance performances
-Conjectural Exhibitions

Shrove Monday feast
Literal Center of Ayios Thomas organizes a fest at the soccer field.
The center offers bean soup, wine and flatbread (lagana in Greek) to the citizens.
This day there is also a kitten competition between children.
Day after Easter
Greek's Orthodox Church solemnizes Saint George this day. The liturgy takes place at Saint's chapel on the mountain, half an hour from the village. The pictorial landscape will satisfy everyone. Villagers organize barbecues after the liturgy, dancing and drinking wine till afternoon. |


Sunday after Easter
Village solemnizes its Genius loci, Saint Tomas, at the chapel near river asopos. People find this day as an opportunity to meet each other and learn social news. Municipality organizes dance festivals at eve of the Saint's Day. |
Labor Day (1st of May)
Tradition wants young women to make wreaths at Labour Day (1st May) from wild flowers. This drives back to the flower festivals of ancient Greece. Last years people prefer to collect flowers at the mountain of Saint George. This is combined with barbecues and dances. |
